Wednesday 8 February 2012

my new photography project: my own twilight

In the first two images, Its me as Bella swan and Edward Cullen, kissing for the first time.
3rd image - Bella Swan talking to Edward Cullen all night.
In the last 3 images, Bella fell asleep next to Edward, so when she cuddles him, he likes it but gets a bit scared to begin with. He also sneaks in the chance to stroke her face.

my new photography project: my own twilight

In these two images, Renee (Bella's mum) is on the phone to Bella.  And Bella is on the phone to her mum.

my new photography project: my own twilight

In all of these four images, Edward is just talking to Bella about his advantages and disadvantages of being a vampire.

My photography project: my own twilight

1st image - Me as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen about to talk in the corridor.
2nd image - Edward staring at Bella throughout the lesson.
3rd image - Bella looking up at Edward.
4th image - Bella walking into the forest, to tell Edward what she thinks he is, a vampire.
5th image - Edward waiting for Bella to admit he's a vampire.
6th image - Edward telling Bella that he's a monster etc.

My new photography project: My own twilight

Renee (Bella's mum) On the phone to Bella, in different shots.

my new photography project: My own twilight

1st image - Me as Bella Swan, looking over my shoulder at Edward Cullen.
2nd image - Me as Bella Swan looking over towards Edward Cullen in the classroom, when the fan blows my scent towards Edward.
3rd image - Edward smelling my scent.
4th image - Edward glaring at Bella walking into the classroom.
5th image - Bella thinking she smells, because she wonders why Edward is acting strange.
6th image - Edward staring at bella throughout the lesson.

New photography project: My Own Twilight

This is Edward cullen, as he's walking through the canteen.